Qualitative Study
Understanding Engagement in Home-Based Interactive Computer Play: Perspectives of Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy and Their Caregivers
James, S., Ziviani, J., King, G. & &. Boyd, R. N.
Physical & Occupational Therapy
In Pediatrics (2015), DOI: 10.3109/01942638.2015.1076560
Link to abstract: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26606419
Purpose: using qualitative methodology, therapy researchers studied themes arising from children with CP and their caregivers on therapeutic computer game play. The software " (Mitii™) is intended to improve physical and mental skills and to be used in the home setting.
Ten 8 - 18 year old children with one-sided cerebral palsy and their caregivers participated in semi-structured interviews following use of the Mitii game in a 20 week trial reported elsewhere (Boyd et al., 2013) Inclusion for the study required children to be of GMFCS level 1 or 2, and MACS study level 1 to 3. The theoretical positioning of the authors and their perspective as therapists is made explicit.
The inductive methodology identified three key themes: child and caregiver, themes relating to the intervention and themes that related to therapists’ involvement.
"Child/family characteristics: children's interest captured through novelty and technology, motivation declines as novelty wears off, children require "finely tuned" programs, strong family support facilitates engagement, and children develop confidence and ownership."
"Intervention characteristics: increased therapy frequency with reduced caregiver involvement, Mitii™ "becomes therapy" and competes with other interests; convenience within family routine, lack of real-time feedback and technical issues, and therapist guidance is essential."
"Service provider characteristics: initial and ongoing therapist input, family-friendly therapy approach, and tailored strategies to sustain engagement."
Boyd, R.N., Mitchell, L.Ee, James, S.T., Ziviani, J., Sakzewski, L., Smith, A. et al. (2013). Move it to
improve it (Mitii): Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial of a novel web-based
multimodal training program for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
Link to full text: bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/4/e002853.full