Definition: a computer-generated environment that provides some form of immersive or augmented sensory experience and a mode of interaction with that environment. Virtual reality ‘suites’ are not typically available to the consumer market.
VR Knowledge Translation
Game attributes that best fit with rehabilitation
Motor Learning through Virtual Reality
Survey of VR Clinical Use
Therapist Friendly Kinect Games
VR on UE in Children with CP: a Meta-analysis
The GestureTek Virtual Reality system in Rehabilitation: a Scoping Review
Robot Therapy for Children's Arm Rehabilitation
Trunk-to-Pelvis Rotation Mediates Virtual Reality
Intensive Virtual Reality Program for Cerebral Palsy
Virtual Reality: Cochrane Review
Virtual Reality in Autism: Subject Review
Does Virtual Reality improve Upper Extremity Function: Systematic Review
Systematic Review: Virtual Reality for Children with Motor Impairment