Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kids Report on Active Videogames at Home

Qualitative Report

Real life active gaming practices of 7 – 11 year old children
Allsop, S., Rumbold, P.L.S., Debuse, D. & Dodd-Reynolds, C.
Games for Health Journal, 2(6), 2013 pp. 347 - 353
DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2013.0050

Link to abstract

Objective: to determine real life behaviors during children’s active videogame play.

Method: 40 questionnaires were returned from 7-11 year old children and their parents.

Findings: of this sample, most children play Wii Sports for around 80 minutes once or twice a week. More than half the children ate or drank during game play and this extended game play. Most perceive active videogaming as “an alternative form of exercise, and the main reasons for active videogame play included for entertainment, health benefits and the environment.”