Thursday, September 25, 2014

Survey of VR Clinical Use


Using Virtual Reality in Clinical Practice: A Multi-Site Exploratory Study
Glegg, M. N. S., Holsti, L., Stanton, S., Hanna, S., Velikonja, D., Ansley, B., Sartor, D. & Brum, C.
NeuroRehabilitation : 2014 Sep 18 pg
DOI: 10:3233/NRE-141152

Link to abstract:

Objective: For inpatients with acquired brain injury, how is GestureTek virtual reality used for rehabilitation?

Method: 11 therapists at two rehab centres collected data over 8 months on 39 clients; their VR interventions and the therapists’ treatment goals.

Findings and conclusions: Clinical “treatment characteristics and several outcomes of interest paralleled those in the literature; however, novel outcome areas were identified as research gaps. By study’s end, more than half of clients’ VR programs had been discontinued, for reasons consistent with documented barriers to VR use. These findings can help… inform the design of research that has high clinical relevance, and… provide a point of reference for clinicians incorporating VR into their practices.”